Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Patient from the practice cast

Dusseldorf - Horst Ermrich doctors can not really see more.
Since Hildener two years ago had a serious motorcycle accident, he is a permanent guest in hospitals and established physicians.
A few days ago the 42-year-old would however like to attend a practice to be investigated themselves. "But I was simply thrown out," said the Hilden outraged.
The background: Ermrich suffered in the accident, an open fracture of the leg. "In the hospital Hildener I got a severe infection that was not recognized at first," says Ermrich. There were "multi-drug resistant staphylococcus bacteria," Simplified called "hospital germs." These bacteria are resistant to antibiotics and extremely dangerous. "I almost rotted off my leg."
Only in the University Clinic of Bochum, the infection could be stopped. Numerous operations folgten.Seitdem is shortened his leg. The result: severe back pain. "That's why I wanted to radiologists - my doctor had referred me."
Ermrich should be screened with magnetic resonance imaging machines. Up to the device, but he did not. "As I said at the reception that I have an MRSA infection was, I was immediately sent away again," says the 42-year-old. Even worse: "The employee told me to disappear, otherwise you must clean the entire practice! It did nothing when I told her that the last five laboratory studies have demonstrated no more infection. "
For the radiologist it rejects these allegations, "Mr Ermrich was offered by the employee a date when he submits a medical certification that he is no longer with the MRSA organism is infected," said the lawyer for the practice. Subsequently, the patient had become abusive and had left cursing the practice.
To the Association of the North case is known. "Basically, it is true that practices in the keyword hellhörig be MRSA," said spokesman Frank Naundorf. One treatment was rejected but at least unhappy. One might examine Ermrich as the last patient of the day can and then disinfect the device.
Ermrich now looking to hire another radiologist. Then we go to Austria to a special surgery of his leg. "Then I hope to resume a life without doctor visits."