Sunday, May 9, 2010

Heiner misses his Kristine!

Cologne / Gummersbach - At the 2007 World Championships in Cologne, she was right up close, even the Olympic Games in Beijing in 2008 followed Christel fire from the stands.
But could the World Cup in Croatia, the first lady not to visit the German handball before, as a teacher she has not received extra vacation.
Here it would Heiner they so desperately needed as never before. "He's really had it bad with his flu now feels is still not fit and has a strong cough. But for him it was never an issue to leave. Heiner fight your way through there, "says Christel fire.
For them the period of suffering but at least as bad as for her husband: "I watch every game that really suffers. Finally, I am out of excitement in our home up the stairs and run down. "If everything runs optimally, Christel could soon join him still:" It might work, yes, and I get in the coming days to fly. Let's see if such short notice is something else to do and whether I hinbekomme with the school. "
For Heiner was his Christel an important support in the fight for the world title. But if they do not want to think about that: "Third place is inside. But the guys still have to increase significantly. "The previous tournaments they have entered a success:" You just see that Jasmine has a very good feel for what players fit together. He has a knack for the right team spirit. Heiner also drives in the run around so much to talk to all players. "