Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Power Adelheid protects the Bonn

Bonn - Soon it could be tight in the Bonner Münster. Because when it comes to the CDU, SPD and FDP, get the old-town patrons Bonner Cassius and Florentius soon female company from a true-blue Beuelerin.
I welcome the initiative of the parish of St. Peter in a very Vilich bring the holy city of Adelaide for the patron to. Adelaide was a "power woman", a thoroughly liberated woman in her time, who knew what she wanted and engaged in full force for this, "said city dean Monsignor Wilfried Schumacher.
And the politicians welcomed the proposal put forward by the peeling Sick: Beuel Mayor Wolfgang Hürter (SPD) and his deputy, Guido Deus (CDU) agree: "Especially in the population enjoys Beueler Adelaide for over 1000 years ago, a highly regarded, and rightly so is to venerated in the present day. She is in the truest sense, a holy nation.
"A step towards the final incorporation of the right bank of Bonn, which I would very much welcome," says Falk FDP Vice Kivelip. The three groups have now tabled in the Council, a joint application, OB Baerbel Dieckmann may make the request to the city of Adelaide patron to recite the archbishop of Cologne, Cardinal Meisner.
She was immediately on fire for the plan: "I warmly welcome the fact that now a woman in the ranks of the Bonn city patrons should be included," the OB.
Even Bishop Heiner Koch welcomed the idea: "I would think Adelaide is a good complement to the two enterprising men from the early days of Christianity. Especially because the one person still means something. "
Only the Greens can not get comfortable with the idea of the patron saint so right: "There is probably more important problems in the city," said group spokesman Tom Schmidt.
The decision whether to Adelaide for the patron saint, now is the Congregation of Rites in Rome.
Also of interest
It was Adelaide of Vilich

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Concludes with model friend Frank

Cologne - The figure superknackig, super bright smile, her eyes superblitzend - that woman looks like when she's in love.
The fountain of youth by Isabel Varell (47) is official but completely different. She has separated from permanent life partner, model Frank Fischer (39). And enjoy the freedom ...
"I'm very, very good right now," she told us: "Frank and I understand our friendship is still very good. The separation is already a few months ago. "
If she says. We saw the end of June they were still together in the TV magazine "Brisant" - since Frank and Isabel called a tandem jump made to combat fear of flying height and to. Your little family - Frank and dog Wuku - give her composure, she said there yet.
Of these, and wedding plans but is now no longer any question: The well-decorated love nest in the old town now occupied alone. And this feels good. But somehow it keeps persistent rumor that it had a new one, a TV director is to give ...

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Soft broken - KVB passengers need patience

Cologne - Cologne KVB customers on Monday afternoon took a lot of patience. Because of delays of up to 30 minutes, and traffic jams on the light rail lines made a trip to Wartespiel.
What happened? KVB EXPRESS.DE spokesman Joachim Berger said: "We had a points failure on the road in Herler Buchheim. Thus the switch, which normally had to be automatically unstellt, each cranked by hand."
And so built up for the delay. What began on the route of lines 3, 13 and 18, soon extended to large parts of the network. And so it happened that in the early evening rush hour was jam-packed on the platforms.
From 14.30 until 17.30 clock, the clock switch was defective and was operated by hand - then the traffic started to roll normally.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Polo rolled into the Rhine

thick yoga mats extra thick

Bonn - "Look 'at the time," seems to say to the fireman diver (photo). And illuminates the VW Polo, which was dripping with the flashlight. The small car, on which the secured floating bags larger than themselves, cheerfully limbo in the Rhine water ...
Almost four hours of the rescue operation lasted for the VW Polo, which began shortly after 19 clock with the emergency of a Bonn. "Help, my car is sinking in the Rhine!" The man wanted to be photographed at the Fährrampe, Engländerweg, only fast woman and child - when he turned around, rolled the family polo straight into the water. The first sigh of relief when the task forces: no person in it. But the car was driven 50 meters fixed direction Wesseling, then gurgling sunk to the roof.
The following rescue of the small cars: very large. Divers swim bags attached to it, lifted it out of the water. The fire department then moved by a pulley on land. Just in the water, the Volkswagen Polo is back on land.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Slant Rockin 'Robots paint "and dance

Dusseldorf --
Now, the building blocks on the move: With the programming system "Mindstorms" in Düsseldorf, 57 student Lego robot designed with amazing abilities.
Under the slogan "Rockin 'Robots," presented the technology tinkerers yesterday their works.
"Welcome to the Arena," says the project by Pascal Bonn (16) and his buddies. "We have programmed a bullfight," reports the Zehntklässler, who is also equal to the best Papp designed arena. "The one chasing the other robot until it has touched the red flag."
Half a year took the boys from the Georg-Schulhoff Junior High School to implement their ideas correctly. By computer software they brought their robots, the correct behavior. "The program may cost a lot of time, but it is simple," accounted for Pascal, who has previously enjoyed playing with Lego bricks.
Video entitled
Besides artificial bullfighters and bulls were at "Rockin 'Robots," but much more to admire. A tank catapult, an artificial worm, a writing robot - and of course "Cegmo": The eighth grader Dominick Hueck (13) and Burak Yilmaz (13) built it from more than 500 individual parts.
"Cegmo is a humanoid, so human-like robots," says Dominick. "He can play triangle, dance, and even paint a picture". Press a button and the client meets Cegmo wields a brush with blue paint.
"It was difficult to teach him everything," says Dominick. But the effort has paid off: Cegmo danced into the hearts of the jury. In the third place there's 500 in prize money. The first courses ($ 1,000) went to students of the Comenius Gymnasium and the Georg-Schulhoff school.