Sunday, April 4, 2010

Slant Rockin 'Robots paint "and dance

Dusseldorf --
Now, the building blocks on the move: With the programming system "Mindstorms" in Düsseldorf, 57 student Lego robot designed with amazing abilities.
Under the slogan "Rockin 'Robots," presented the technology tinkerers yesterday their works.
"Welcome to the Arena," says the project by Pascal Bonn (16) and his buddies. "We have programmed a bullfight," reports the Zehntklässler, who is also equal to the best Papp designed arena. "The one chasing the other robot until it has touched the red flag."
Half a year took the boys from the Georg-Schulhoff Junior High School to implement their ideas correctly. By computer software they brought their robots, the correct behavior. "The program may cost a lot of time, but it is simple," accounted for Pascal, who has previously enjoyed playing with Lego bricks.
Video entitled
Besides artificial bullfighters and bulls were at "Rockin 'Robots," but much more to admire. A tank catapult, an artificial worm, a writing robot - and of course "Cegmo": The eighth grader Dominick Hueck (13) and Burak Yilmaz (13) built it from more than 500 individual parts.
"Cegmo is a humanoid, so human-like robots," says Dominick. "He can play triangle, dance, and even paint a picture". Press a button and the client meets Cegmo wields a brush with blue paint.
"It was difficult to teach him everything," says Dominick. But the effort has paid off: Cegmo danced into the hearts of the jury. In the third place there's 500 in prize money. The first courses ($ 1,000) went to students of the Comenius Gymnasium and the Georg-Schulhoff school.