Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Power Adelheid protects the Bonn

Bonn - Soon it could be tight in the Bonner Münster. Because when it comes to the CDU, SPD and FDP, get the old-town patrons Bonner Cassius and Florentius soon female company from a true-blue Beuelerin.
I welcome the initiative of the parish of St. Peter in a very Vilich bring the holy city of Adelaide for the patron to. Adelaide was a "power woman", a thoroughly liberated woman in her time, who knew what she wanted and engaged in full force for this, "said city dean Monsignor Wilfried Schumacher.
And the politicians welcomed the proposal put forward by the peeling Sick: Beuel Mayor Wolfgang Hürter (SPD) and his deputy, Guido Deus (CDU) agree: "Especially in the population enjoys Beueler Adelaide for over 1000 years ago, a highly regarded, and rightly so is to venerated in the present day. She is in the truest sense, a holy nation.
"A step towards the final incorporation of the right bank of Bonn, which I would very much welcome," says Falk FDP Vice Kivelip. The three groups have now tabled in the Council, a joint application, OB Baerbel Dieckmann may make the request to the city of Adelaide patron to recite the archbishop of Cologne, Cardinal Meisner.
She was immediately on fire for the plan: "I warmly welcome the fact that now a woman in the ranks of the Bonn city patrons should be included," the OB.
Even Bishop Heiner Koch welcomed the idea: "I would think Adelaide is a good complement to the two enterprising men from the early days of Christianity. Especially because the one person still means something. "
Only the Greens can not get comfortable with the idea of the patron saint so right: "There is probably more important problems in the city," said group spokesman Tom Schmidt.
The decision whether to Adelaide for the patron saint, now is the Congregation of Rites in Rome.
Also of interest
It was Adelaide of Vilich